I have two folks in my family tree whom I find myself coming back to again and again. One – Ella Baker – is a sister of my great grandfather, Henry Jones. All I know of Ella is that she appears in the Worcester (MA) State Asylum in the 1910 census, then from 1920 until her death, she appears in the Tewksbury (MA) Asylum in the 1920, 1930, and 1940 censuses and apparently died there in 1953. Ironically, she and my great grandfather would die 7 days apart, he on May 13, 1953 in Vermont and she on May 20, 1953 in Massachusetts.
The other is a member of the same family, Henry’s grandson, David Neil Jones, my grandfather’s youngest brother. He appears in the Concord (MA) House of Correction on the 1940 census at age 17, and I can find no other record of him thereafter...
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